Conspiracy theory: could extraterrestrial beings in 1947 be a Soviet experiment

Conspiracy theory: could extraterrestrial beings in 1947 be a Soviet experiment

Ufologists and proponents of conspiracy theories do not sit still and continue to develop various surprising concepts to explain strange events concerning UFOs. The latter idea indicates that the USSR may be related to the well-known Roswell incident.

1947 in the American community is perceived as a starting point for the dissemination of the topic of UFOs and aliens. This is the date of the Roswell Incident. Ufologists are convinced that an alien spacecraft crashed in the city of Roswell, and the military not only hid the fragments, but also the bodies of the dead aliens.

The military said that it was just a weather probe, but the public did not like this explanation. However, more recently, an even more unusual theory has emerged. Conspiracy theorists believe that this was an attack from the Soviet side.

Journalist Annie Jacobson is convinced that Joseph Stalin used the services of the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who conducted experiments on soldiers. A group of soldiers was transformed into something resembling humanoids, and then launched in the first prototype of a spacecraft to sow panic among Americans.

Dr. Josef Mengele is also known for his terrible experiments at Auschwitz. After all, it was not for nothing that he was called the “Angel of Death”. So he could create creepy creatures of small stature and send them on the machine to the American side.

The journalist believes that in exchange for this service, Stalin promised to provide Mengele with a laboratory where he could continue his unethical experiments.

Conspiracy theory: could extraterrestrial beings in 1947 be a Soviet experiment

Roswell's Aliens Could Be an Experiment of Nazi Scientist Joseph Mengel

The plan was to land the device in the USA and frighten Americans with aliens. Mass hysteria was supposed to repeat the situation with the radio show “War of the Worlds”, when people thought that they were being attacked by the Martians.

Jacobson writes:

Humanoids of child growth were the result of the Soviet program of human experiments. They were created specifically similar to aliens to scare the American people. In 1947, the USSR did not have a nuclear bomb, so it was difficult to influence our country. But black propaganda and intimidation always work ”.

Conspiracy theory: could extraterrestrial beings in 1947 be a Soviet experiment

Nazi “Angel of Death” by Josef Mengele

The journalist continues:

If you look at the biography of Josef Mengele, you will notice that he left Auschwitz in January 1945 and just disappeared for a while. In the following years he secretly worked for Stalin ”.

Jacobson refers to a source whose identity cannot be revealed. She says that even in the CIA documents there are hints that in the USSR they could use the UFO theme to sow panic among the American population.

The statements of the journalist were ignored by the scientific community. But ufologists are still considering her hypothesis, but they are still closer to the idea of ​​real aliens.

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