The "singing" of a giant cloud will help to understand how star systems are being formed


Dark group - Coal Bag Nebula. This is the place where new stars and planets can form.

Researchers know that stars appear in large molecular clouds of gas and dust located in space. But what exactly determines the number and type of stars and planets? And what processes took place with the solar system and its cloud? These questions have tormented astronomers for decades. However, new research provides interesting information for explanation.

Three-dimensional approach

Understanding the three-dimensional structure of these clouds was an important leap in awareness of the birth of stars and planets. Physicist responsible for star formation is also responsible for creating clouds. But even the world's advanced telescopes open only two-dimensional projections of clouds on the sky plane.

Recently we found out that the type of structure found in molecular clouds (strata) is created due to the waves. Here the molecular cloud, Fly, which sings, appears. Located in the southern sky, below the Southern Cross, and resembles an elongated needle. It is distant for hundreds of light years and extends for 27 light years and with a depth of 20 light years.


3D Model of Molecular Cloud The cloud is surrounded by ordered hairy strata formed by trapped gas and dust waves. Waves act as a fingerprint — they are unique and can be used to define border sizes. Clouds with different sizes and structures vibrate differently, so various melodies “sing”.

The frequencies found in the review were scaled to the frequency range of human hearing in order to recreate the song Flies. The results were amazing. For an earthly observer, the Fly looks like a cylinder, but the true size of the hidden dimension is small.

Cylinder disappears with extra dimension

The fly is no different activity in the part of the starry birth. Millions of years will pass before gravity overcomes all resistance forces supporting the cloud.

As a result, the Mocha molecular cloud can be used as a prototype for comparing models and studying different stages of stellar formation. It can also be used to better limit numerical models and explore our system. Scientists believe that the study will help solve many secrets.

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