NASA decided to replace the astronaut with Starliner’s first crew launch

NASA decided to replace the astronaut with Starliner’s first crew launch

NASA astronaut Edward Michael Fink (pictured) is suitable for replacing Eric Bow

For medical reasons, NASA had to change one astronaut for another. Now Edward Michael Fink will have to replace Eric Bowe for a test flight of Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft. The launch is scheduled for the end of 2019.

Bow now will not fly, but will remain as an assistant chief of the commercial crew in the Space Center. Johnson This position was previously held by Fink. An astronaut has previously made three space flights since joining the astronaut corps in 1996. He spent 382 days in space and performed 9 spacewalks. Fink joins astronauts Mann Nicole Onap and Christopher Ferguson. Flight testing will be the first manned launch of the spacecraft, which is part of the program of commercial crews of NASA, as well as partnerships with Boeing and SpaceX. The main goal is to develop a system for delivering people to the International Space Station.

If Boeing (Starliner) and SpaceX (Dragon) succeed, the first launch will be the countdown of the program to return the astronauts to the ISS from American ground. Russian ships are currently used by Soyuz, since in 2011 the USA canceled the shuttle program.

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