What is the darkest planet in the universe

What is the darkest planet in the universe

If you find yourself in the territory of the constellation of the Dragon, be sure to take a look at the star GSC 03549-02811 (TrES-2), 718 light years away from us. The star is known for the darkest planet rotating around it.

We present to your attention the black gas giant TrES-2 b. The planet was first found on August 21, 2006, and more detailed characteristics were published in 2008. The surface warms up to 980 ° C, which is why the world does not find bright clouds reflecting starlight. In addition, the exoplanet is 4.8 million km away from the star. The radius and mass slightly superior to Jupiter.

Also, researchers believe that the planet is in a tidal seizure of the star, so it even has observed phase changes (resemble lunar) during rotation in orbit. But back to the most intriguing characteristic - the gloom of the planet.

What is the darkest planet in the universe

Comparative sizes of TrES-2 b and Jupiter

In 2011, researchers concluded that TrES-2 b reflects only 1% of the light from a native star. This figure and made the planet the darkest among the famous. Its albedo index is inferior even to coal or acrylic paint. However, do not think that this is a 100% black planet. The gas giant is hot, so it emits a faint red glow, resembling a glowing ember.

Scientists still can not understand why the planet reflects so little light. Perhaps the whole thing in evaporated sodium and potassium, which absorb light. Or the culprit should be considered titanium oxide in the atmosphere. The question remains open.

For comparison, the albedo of the Sun is 100%, in Jupiter - 34-50%, the Earth - 30%, coal - 4%, and in Exoplanets TrES-2 b - 1%. Researchers are convinced that there are still many dark worlds in the Universe, but they are extremely difficult to find.

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