Scientists fix a visitor outside our system

Scientists fix a visitor outside our system

Researchers at Korolev University in Belfast led the research team for a new visitor to our system - the first comet / asteroid that arrived from another star.

The object was called A / 2017 U1 and was noticed on October 18 by the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope (Hawaii). After that, devices around the world were connected to the review. Already, scientists are 100% sure that this celestial body does not belong to our system.

Initial data suggests that this is a small rocky or icy object that drifted across galactic expanses for millions or billions of years before it accidentally wandered into the solar system. He flew around her from above, approached the Sun in September and now returns to his star. It is believed that the object was thrown out of another system during the formation of the planet. Exactly the same process happened with the Sun 4.5 billion years ago, when Jupiter and Saturn appeared.

Scientists fix a visitor outside our system

Quick research provided clear images of an unusual object, as well as information on its chemical composition. The scientific community still cannot believe that it turned out to see such a tiny alien object.

For detail you need to collect more information. Only then it will turn out to indicate the place from where the guest arrived, and also to calculate its properties. Fortunately, it can be observed in terrestrial telescopes for several more weeks.

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