Space Photos: Galactic Treasure Chest

Space Photos: Galactic Treasure Chest

The Hubble Space Telescope image is littered with amazing galaxies. Vortexes of multicolored spiral arms are visible, as well as fuzzy elliptic elements, shown in the form of glowing spots. Each visible galactic speck sheltered many stars. Several nearby objects shine brightly in the foreground. In the center is a massive galactic cluster - thousands of galaxies held by gravity.

Galactic clusters are one of the most interesting cosmic objects. These are the nodes of the cosmic network that permeates the entire space. Their study will allow a better understanding of the organization of matter in scale. In addition, these are ideal laboratories for studying dark matter and dark energy. The huge gravitational influence makes them huge lenses. The light passing through the cluster from distant galaxies bends and increases, allowing you to study the early Universe. The image was extracted using an advanced camera and a wide-angle 3 Hubble camera as part of the RELICS program, which displayed 41 massive clusters (the brightest will become objects for the future telescope of James Webb).

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