Large solar storm doubles Martian radiation.

Large solar storm doubles Martian radiation.

Mars encountered an unexpectedly powerful solar blast. The 9/11 event led to the formation of a global glow on the Red Planet, which was 25 times brighter than any captured MAVEN. This caused the radiation levels on the surface to double. These figures lasted more than two days.

Surprisingly, this happened in conjunction with the energy of solar activity during the 11-year period of sunspots and storm activity. The event turned out to be so large that it could be detected on Earth, even though we were located on the side opposite to Mars.

Large solar storm doubles Martian radiation.

In September 2017, scientists noticed energy particles from a major solar storm using the MAVEN apparatus

The current stellar cycle was odd because it showed less activity at the peak. We are lucky to track a specific event, because it will improve our understanding of how activity on the Sun affects the surface and atmospheric layer of the Red Planet. Radiation levels were tracked by a RAD device on Curiosity. This data is important, because we plan to send people to Mars and create permanent colonies, which means we must understand what level of danger we may encounter. The bottom line is that solar events with high energy potential dramatically raise the radiation on Mars.

The sun all the time releases into space the protons and electrons. But sometimes coronal emissions occur with greater density, energy and acceleration. They are distinguished by their strength, where the most powerful ones lead to earthly lights and can even destroy communication with satellites. In the case of Mars, everything is repeated, and the radiance is capable of enveloping the entire planet, because it is devoid of a strong magnetic field.

The analysis has just begun, so scientists are trying to gather more information that will help uncover how such storms could destroy the early Martian atmosphere.

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