Three super-lands found around the cold dwarf

Three super-lands found around the cold dwarf

With the help of the extended Kepler (K2) mission, scientists managed to notice three new super-lands. Objects rotate around a cold dwarf star LP415-17.

Today, Kepler managed to find 2300 exoplanets. In 2013, the apparatus failed, but it was converted into K2 to perform high-precision photometry. Since then, about 200 extrasolar worlds have been recorded.

Now a group of scientists from the University of Oviedo (Spain) reported the discovery of three more exoplanets. The device followed the LP415-17 from March to May 2017. The objects were classified as super-lands, since their massiveness is greater than that of the earth, but inferior to the gas giants.

The star is 267 light-years distant from us. Refers to the K-type with a radius of 0.58 solar, and the mass is inferior by 35%. The effective temperature is 4258 K, which is considered a cold dwarf. LP415-17 b in a radius reaches 1.8 Earth and is the smallest in the trinity. It is 4.7 times as long as the Earth and completes the orbital path in 6.34 days with a distance of 0.056 A from the star. e. Equilibrium temperature - 708 K.

LP415-17 with - the largest and most massive planet. It is 6.5 times more massive than the Earth, and 2.6 times more along the radius. Distributed by 0.1 a. e., warms up to 583 K, and on the orbital path spends 13.85 days.

LP415-17 d in a radius exceeding the earth one is 1.9 times and almost 5 times more massive. The distance to the star is 0.19 a. e., and the rotation around it takes 40.7 days. Equilibrium temperature - 381 K.

Found planets can advance us in understanding the formation and dynamic evolution of super-lands. LP415-17 and its planets are even capable of providing valuable information about the nature of such systems, including their atmosphere and composition.

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