Found 4 new hot Jupiter

Found 4 new hot Jupiter

As part of the search for exoplanets from the HATSouth telescope (South Africa), we managed to find 4 new hot Jupiter. HATSouth is a network of 6 telescopes located in South America, Africa and Australia. They are designed to search for transit extrasolar worlds revolving around the relatively bright stars observed from the southern hemisphere. Since its launch in 2009, it has been possible to find dozens of transit events.

Recently, scientists have reported the discovery of new 4 worlds. The signals relate to the HATS-39, HATS-40, HATS-41 and HATS-42 stars. Further photometric and spectrometric observations confirmed planetary character.

Found 4 new hot Jupiter

Phases of unconfigured HATSouth curves for HATS-39 (upper left), HATS-40 (upper right), HATS-41 (lower left) and HATS-42 (lower right)

All 4 planets revolve around moderately bright F-type dwarf stars and belong to a variety of hot Jupiter. According to the characteristics they resemble the largest planet of our system, but with an orbital period of less than 10 days. They also have a high surface temperature. The least massive (0.63 Jupiter masses) is HATS-39b. Moreover, its radius is 1.57 Jupiter, which is larger than it should be. Spends 4.58 days on the orbital path with a distance of 0.06 a. e. The surface warms up to 1645 K.

HATS-40b is 58.5% larger and more massive than Jupiter and spends 3.26 days on an orbital flyby. With a distance of 0.05 a. e., the surface is heated to 2100 K.

HATS-41b is considered the most interesting world. 33% larger than Jupiter and 10 times more massive. Moreover, it is considered the most massive hot Jupiter found today. With a distance of 0.06 a. e. flies stars in 4.19 days. Equilibrium temperature - 1710 K.

With a radius of 1.4 Jupiter, HATS-42b reaches 1.88 in mass. The planet is at a distance of 0.037 from the star. e. and completes orbital rotation in 2.29 days. The temperature rises to 1856 K.

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