How Saturn was formed

How and when did Saturn appear: two theories of the formation of the planet, the history of the Solar System with a photo, the theory of the nebula, the location in the external system with Jupiter.

The planet Saturn has a single history of appearance with all the solar planets that emerged from a cloud 4.6 billion years ago. It all started with large-scale cool dust and gas accumulations. At one moment his peace was disturbed. This could be a push with a neighboring cloud formation or a shock wave from a supernova explosion.

As a result, the cloud began to shrink, forming the central protostar, the Sun. A concentrated disk was concentrated around her. Its interior had heavier elements, where the terrestrial planets appeared. And remote areas were cold and contained ice fragments. The ice merged, creating large planetesima. Those, in turn, faced. Then the 300-kilometer satellite exploded and rings appeared around Saturn.

Saturn is inferior in size to Jupiter, therefore losing temperature faster. Scientists think that with an external atmosphere of 15 K, helium condenses into droplets that descend to the core. Their friction warmed the planet so much that it creates 2.5 times more energy than it receives from the sun. Now you know how Saturn appeared in the solar system.

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