Scientists have expressed a new theory of the formation of the Earth

Scientists have expressed a new theory of the formation of the Earth

How did our planet appear? The usual theory believes that the residual elements of the origin of the solar system served as the parent material. And what if you need to look near another star? And how will this mysterious interstellar guest help?

Interstellar Wanderer

In 2017, the scientific community, to the great surprise, was the first to discover an unexpected guest in the vast solar system. The mysterious elongated object was already moving away from the Sun when it first came into view. At first they thought that a comet or a large asteroid was in front of us. There were even thoughts of a broken alien ship. But all the characteristics indicated that we were a stranger, that is, a celestial body, arrived from another star system!

1I / Oumuamua noticed on October 19th. At that time it was located at a distance of 30 million km from our planet. The shape resembles a cigar, whose length is 180 m, and extends to 30 m wide. The albedo indicators (10%) hinted at the stony composition, and the surface color resembled celestial bodies from the Kuiper belt.

Where did the guest come from? The latest data suggests that his journey began from the constellation of Kiel, from where he started 45 million years ago. In January, the asteroid went beyond Saturn's orbital path and is now moving toward the constellation Pegasus. True, he will have to spend another 23,000 years on this journey.

Material for the planet

Scientists have expressed a new theory of the formation of the Earth

Generally accepted theory of the formation of the Earth The standard theory of the birth of planets (the solar nebula hypothesis) indicates the process of collision and fusion. That is, the material (dust, gas, fragments) in the protoplanetary disk contacts to form protoplanets. The latter continue to attract material until we get a full-fledged planet.

However, the researchers also added that type 1I / Oumuamua objects are not at all rare. Most likely, they often visit our system, just before we did not notice them. From here came a curious theory. What if the Earth or any other planet as a starting point did not take a solar fragment (from the original interstellar cloud), but was based on a large rocky body, arrived from another star?

Theoretically, this is a very real scenario. Such guests can be perceived as potential planetary embryos. At the initial stage of the formation of the planetary system, planetesimals lack stability. They collide and change location. It is likely that during these blows large objects did not collapse, but were pushed out of their native territory and settled in the Solar System.


To prove this theory, it is necessary to gather as much information as possible about solar planets and celestial bodies, like 1I / Oumuamua. It is important to find possible differences / similarities in composition and behavior. However, if this is so, then many planets in our system may contain other people's fragments in their hearts.

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