India introduced a spacesuit design for 2022

India introduced a spacesuit design for 2022

The Indian Space Agency is developing spacesuits for its own astronauts, demonstrating a specific model in August

On September 6, the Indian Space Research Organization demonstrated a spacesuit designed for the first Indian space missions. The demonstration was held several weeks after the country announced an ambitious launch schedule for its first crew mission in 2022. The program was named Gaganyaan (the spacecraft) and will be based on the heritage of the first Indian astronaut Rakesh Sharma who flew in 1984. India is addressing all aspects of the program, including the creation of a spacesuit. The agency has already managed to release two bright orange space suits and is preparing to create the third before the start of the crew missions. The presentation explained that the spacesuit consists of four layers and weighs 5 kg. In the suits used for 2 years, there is an oxygen tank with an air reserve for an hour. It is expected that the first human flight will last 5-7 days and will bring three astronauts into orbit.

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