Pulsar shows a unique glitch

Pulsar shows a unique glitch

The pulsar noticed a slight irregularity in time. This is the first proof that pulsars in binary systems pass through a “glitch”.

Pulsars represent one of the possible results of the final stage of stellar evolution in massive objects. They die in supernova explosions in which a huge amount of material is pushed, leaving a dense object — a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.

If we get a neutron star, then it is able to generate a powerful magnetic field, a rapid rotation and release light rays. It resembles a beacon and is called a pulsar.

Scientists were able to track the sudden change in the speed of rotation of the SXP 1062. Such jumps are called glitches, and they are first observed in binary pulsars. The SXP 1062 resides in the territory of the Small Magellanic Cloud, which is 200,000 light-years distant. This pulsar is of particular interest because it revolves around a nearby star in a double pair and is surrounded by supernova remnants.

It is believed that the object pulls the material from the explosion event, which leads to accretion. The size of the glitch is based on the gravitational effect of the satellite and the accretion of the surrounding material. At the moment when the forces lose stability, the impulse is transported to the cortex, which changes the rotation and leads to failure.

The size of the glitch suggests that the structure of neutron stars in binary systems may differ from single ones.

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