Slowest X-ray Pulsar

Slowest X-ray Pulsar

Artistic interpretation of X-ray pulsar

European astronomers have found that the X-ray pulsar AX J1910.7 + 0917 has the slowest rotation period among its variety. These objects act as sources with a clearly defined periodicity of changes in the intensity of X-ray radiation. They represent a magnetized neutron star and an ordinary satellite star. In such a binary system, X-ray radiation is fueled by the release of gravitational energy due to the exchange of material with a massive satellite. Considered one of the brightest celestial objects.

AX J1910.7 + 0917 was found in 2001 using the advanced Japanese advanced satellite for cosmology and astrophysics (ASCA). From the very beginning, it was considered a weak source located 12 ′ from the rest of the supernova W49. Pulsations were found only in 2011, when he was followed by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Recently we checked the collected data and it turned out that the rotation period is 36200 seconds, and the pulsating rate is 63%. Among the famous pulsars, this turned out to be the leader in slowness. Scientists believe that this slowdown in a neutron star will be explained by a quasispherical settling accretion model.

To confirm this theory, you need to find out the orbital period of the source and the speed of the wind coming from the massive neighbor. In addition, sensitive spectroscopic instruments above 10 keV will be needed to directly measure the magnetic field.

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