A powerful ion engine is ready to visit Mercury

A powerful ion engine is ready to visit Mercury

BepiColombo's mission is sent to Mercury using an ion engine, the activity of which is shown at the bottom of the image.

Launched on October 19, the BepiColombo mission is preparing to overcome a 7-year voyage, but the ship just recently got down to business. On December 2, the spacecraft used two ion engines to perform the first maneuver. The procedure was carried out after several weeks of careful planning. Now we see the most powerful engine system running.

Electric propulsion technology is a new and delicate technique. That is, the four motor devices had to be thoroughly tested after launch. They were slowly turned and studied in turn, noting how the spacecraft functions and moves. The team also had to take into account the moments when the device sent antennas to Earth in order to fully control the tests. In mid-December, the engines will begin a series of 22 long-firing, which will allow to get to Mercury. In general, the trip will cover 9 billion km. The powerful BepiColombo ion engines are on MTM, which directs two modules to Mercury. At the time of approaching in 2025, the spacecraft will disconnect and take up exploration of the planet.

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