Can aliens use stars for salvation in an expanding universe?

Can aliens use stars for salvation in an expanding universe?

Fermilab Senior Research Officer (Enrico Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Dan Hooper believes that future aliens can retain their civilizations despite the emergence of isolation due to expanding space. For this they need to collect and store the stars.

The Dyson Sphere is a theoretical structure capable of containing a star. Initially, it was offered by Freeman Dyson and presented as a group of satellites that completely surrounded the star in order to receive its energy. The resulting energy reserve can be used for any purpose of civilization. Hooper suggests that aliens can form similar structures for energy when the universe expands to a critical size.

Early studies show that space is not only expanding, but also gaining speed at the expense of dark energy. That is, almost all objects are moving away from each other. This scenario leads us to isolated galaxies, although all components will be linked by gravity. Hooper is trying to understand: “What will the alien race do to provide a sustainable source of energy?”. He believes that right now they can collect stars and prepare for the future when it will be too late for action. Hooper notes that there are still about 100 billion years before the scenario. But he also notes that the theoretical capture of a star and the transfer from one galaxy to another would also take several billion years to travel. Therefore, you need to start work now, otherwise there will be no time. He understands that it will be difficult for people to understand the mechanics of moving a star, but there may be aliens with the necessary knowledge. If this happens, then now you can find stars moving between galaxies. Or to detect holes that have arisen at the site of the stolen stars.

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