Could Russian scientists detect the alien signal? SETI Response

Could Russian scientists detect the alien signal? SETI Response

Could Russian scientists detect the alien signal? SETI Answer

In 2016, there were reports of a strange and unexplained radio signal detected by Russian scientists using the RATAN-600 radio telescope. An unusually strong signal came from the star HD164595, 95 light-years distant from us. Some have suggested that this could be a message from a more technologically advanced civilization.

SETI research organization president Douglas Wakoh says the signal seems interesting, but this is not a unique event. Reports arrived before the data went through the normal verification process.

Could Russian scientists detect the alien signal? SETI Response


Wakoh explains:

Users, as always, were quick to conclude. None of the scientists does not perceive this as a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization. SETI conducts a standardized research process that usually takes place behind the scenes. A specific case differs only in that the signal was told before it passed the official check ”.

In fact, the signal was recorded back in May 2015, but it was caught only once. This already hints at the fact that the signal should be treated skeptically, because you need to re-detect. The work process consists of two stages.

First, the observatory tries again to trace the signal. If it is found, the data will be sent to another observatory to determine all possible causes of its occurrence. The signal has not yet passed this test, but the SETI and METI organizations are now following the standard protocol for studying HD164595.

Could Russian scientists detect the alien signal? SETI Response

The host star HD 164595 resembles our Sun. It is a G-type star (G2V), with a surface temperature of 5790 degrees and 0.99 solar massiveness. It is believed that the system HD 164595 is suitable for life. But the radius of the orbit of HD 164595 b is 0.23 a. e., which means the planet is located inside the orbit of Mercury

Wakoh views the star HD164595 as an interesting object, since it resembles the Sun in its characteristics. If the signal came from a star and was not created by natural phenomena, then an advanced technologically advanced civilization may be nearby. Usually, researchers look at a 1-Hz bandwidth. The specific signal showed 1,000,000,000 hertz.

Wakoh says:

Perhaps there is no connection with alien technology here. We need to first eliminate all natural phenomena that can enhance the standard signal. This is difficult to do, but we will not abandon observations of the star, especially if there is even the slightest chance of detecting aliens ”.

Wakoh is confident that the tools of organizations are created in order to avoid false alarms. If the signal repeats, it will be a strong argument in favor of the presence of an alien civilization near a foreign star.

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