Will world leaders be able to make contact with potential alien guests

Will world leaders be able to make contact with potential alien guests

The movie “Arrival” (2016) is based on a classic storyline: reasonable aliens arrive on Earth. But then everything goes outside the box, because no one is going to attack us. A particular film claims that aliens can be peaceful, curious, and even need our help.

“Arrival” also interestingly shows the behavior of people and our reactions to aliens. After all, it is difficult to help alien beings when government agencies and prejudices prevent us from looking at the event from a new point of view. Unfortunately, we see that no one knows how to behave with the “guests”, and there is no space diplomacy yet.

Will world leaders be able to make contact with potential alien guests

It is unlikely that such characters as Donald Trump will be allowed to communicate with aliens on behalf of humanity. But any trusted person will need to approach the situation with the understanding that all actions taken by humanity may not work. If a UFO lands near the White House, it can be immediately perceived as an attack and a threat.

Any country will do its best to protect itself. But there is even more chance that people will risk attacking first in order to get secret alien technologies. Some even say that America has a concrete plan. No, there is no protocol for contact with aliens. But in the 1950s. There was an American military plan called “Seven Steps to Contact,” which was based on analyzing and assessing the attitudes and intentions of the newcomers to develop a strategy for action. That is, it is important to initially understand whether we are inferior to the newcomers in technological development or are ahead of them. The plan even includes insidious actions on the part of humanity, such as surveillance and the abduction of one of the aliens.

Will world leaders be able to make contact with potential alien guests

Can our politicians be trusted to communicate with alien guests

Despite our misunderstanding of how to behave at a meeting, people have spent many years organizing this meeting. First of all, they tried to contact potential residents of the Moon. Austrian astronomer Joseph Johann Litrov once suggested that a large circular canal be dug in the Sahara desert, filled with kerosene and set on fire. The scientist believed that this would attract the attention of aliens, and symmetry would help to establish a common language.

The most famous attempt to send a signal to aliens is the message of Arecibo in 1974, written in the form of mathematical and natural formulas and encoded in Morse code. Scientists believe that aliens live according to the same laws of physics as we do. If they try to contact us, they will try to speak on familiar symbols that are closest to science.

Will world leaders be able to make contact with potential alien guests

Experts believe that politicians will have to show great patience. Reality may correspond to the plot of “Arrival”. We will have to spend a lot of time to connect with the aliens, and then understand their language. Aggression on our part will lead to zero results. Scientists say that only openness and honest intentions will help to establish communication with aliens at the level of mutual exchange of experience.

So you can start with gifts from earthlings to demonstrate our peace-loving. After all, we are the hospitable hosts of this planet. Especially since you should not swing our missiles, if the aliens in the reserve have more advanced weapons.

Scientists believe that only specially trained diplomats will be able to communicate with alien guests. Moreover, they should be trained in the "space direction" and constantly contact with scientists.

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