Lost continents are hidden under Antarctica

Lost continents are hidden under Antarctica

Data from the now-dead satellite helped to find ancient continents under the Antarctic ice. Analysis of information from the GOCE mission revealed rock zones in the Earth’s lithosphere (layer between the crust and mantle). GOCE plunged into the atmosphere 5 years ago, after it had spent the entire fuel supply.

Recently discovered ancient platforms are remnants of ancient continents providing information on how modern earth continents are structured, especially Antarctica.

Lost continents are hidden under Antarctica

Global GOCE tectonic map created by measuring the gravitational force of the Earth

In East Antarctica, it was possible to capture an amazing mosaic of geological features that reveals the fundamental similarities and differences between the Earth's crust under Antarctica and other continents, which it joined 160 million years ago. GOCE flew around the Earth from March 2009 to November 2013, trying to fix small changes in earth's gravity. Satellite data not only provided a global map of gravity, but also revealed local changes with a resolution of up to 80 km. Ancient continents became apparent on the map.

Satellite gravity data can be combined with seismological information to produce more consistent images of the crust and upper mantle in 3D. This will make it possible to understand how plate tectonics and the dynamics of deep mantles interact. In addition, scientists will be able to learn how the ancient continents affect the behavior of the ice sheet, as well as how the continents will be understood, because the ice is melting due to global climate change. In particular, a thinner crust and lithosphere are observed in West Antarctica.

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