Is the death of the ufologist Vadim Chernobrov connected with his activity?

Is the death of the ufologist Vadim Chernobrov connected with his activity?

Cosmopoisk is known for a wide range of ordinary people. Its coordinator for a long time was Vadim Chernobrov. The man often gave interviews to various publications, programs devoted to the solution of unexplained, mysterious phenomena. His opinion was listened to, given the competent knowledge in this area. He was remembered by many as a benevolent expert who is able to provide information in an accessible language.

May 18, 2017 in the early morning Vadim Chernobrov died. Many wonder how it happened that a man who was distinguished by excellent health, died at the age of 52 years? There is an opinion that the coordinator of “Kosmopoisk” has passed away because of his professional activities. Is it really?

Last interview

Many followers of the famous scientist believe that the reason for the death of Chernobrov in obtaining high doses of radiation. She could be present in one of the numerous anomalous zones in which a man had to travel by occupation. Some journalists believe that the version has the right to exist. They recall the latest appearance of an expert in public, when many were struck by the changes in his appearance.

A few months before his death, the main ufologist of Russia came to the office of the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda-Kuban”. The thinning beard Chernobrov, his slightly swollen face, rushed into his eyes. A completely natural question was asked concerning the man’s well-being. In response, the man just smiled, explained that nothing terrible had happened. According to him, trips have always been associated with informative interest. No trip can not be counted as a tourist. Each time a serious work was carried out, which can not but affect the appearance. None of the people around him would have thought that Vadim Chernobrov was seriously ill. He was always distinguished by a good-natured disposition, cheerfulness, activity. His love for work could serve as role models for many young people.


Is the death of the ufologist Vadim Chernobrov connected with his activity?

Vadim Chernobrov grew up in the town of Zhirnovsk, Moscow Region. During his school years, he showed considerable interest in everything unknown. The teachers recalled that the child grew up as an inquisitive, well-read, intelligent boy with an inquisitive mind.

The man graduated from the aerospace department of the Moscow Aviation Institute, he had a degree in technical sciences. The project "Cosmopoisk" was founded in his student years. He gathered like-minded people - young people who sincerely wanted to understand the nature of unexplained phenomena.

Vadim Chernobrov was able to make over 770 expeditions, among whose goals were the following:

  • Exploring UFOs;
  • Search for traces of ancient civilizations;
  • Studying the nature of the snowman;
  • Study of mysterious crop circles;
  • Study of issues related to contacts with aliens;
  • Specificity of paranormal and mystical phenomena.

Recognition of merit

Specialists of the UNESCO international organization noted the merits of Chernobrov in the search for places where cosmic bodies fell. The results of the research of “Cosmoprospect” are set forth in more than 50 books and encyclopedias, which were distributed in large quantities. A memorial plaque was unveiled in the historic homeland of Vadim Aleksandrovich. Pupils and teachers honored the memory of a famous countryman with a minute of silence.


It is worth noting that among specialists there is an opinion: the death of many experts is not accidental. It may be due to the fact that researchers are getting too close to the disclosure of secrets about which mankind is too early to know.

Of course, skeptics will not agree with this version, but we can safely say one thing. With the passing of life of Vadim Chernobrov, science has lost a qualified expert who is able to evaluate many inexplicable phenomena.

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