Comet 46P / Virtanen in the night sky

Comet 46P / Virtanen in the night sky

The ghostly green glow at the very top of the photo indicates the presence of 46P / Virtanen. This is a relatively small comet with a diameter of 1.2 km. Belongs to the family of Jupiter. It takes 5.4 years for one rotation around the Sun. Initially, it was listed as the target of the ESA Rosette spacecraft. However, the device missed the planned launch window, so comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko was the first in the world to be visited by a space probe.

Five years ago (January 20, 2014), the Rosetta spacecraft awoke after a 31-month hibernation in deep space. The device contacted the Earth and confirmed the functionality of all devices. A recent 46P / Virtanen visit recalls the remarkable accomplishments of the Rosette mission, characterized by the dynamism and flexibility of the commands being executed.

Image taken on December 9, 2018 by photographer Ollie Taylor above the famous rock arch Durdle-Dor on the South Coast in Dorset (England).

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