Nearest world with potential life

Nearest world with potential life

Scientists from the La Silla Observatory used the HARPS tool and noticed that a low-mass exoplanet rotates around the red dwarf Ross 128 with a period of 9.9 days. It is believed that this is a moderate planetary type, that is, the temperature elevation of the surface is close to the earth index.

The discovery is based on a ten-year intensive review of HARPS. Red dwarfs are one of the coolest stars in space. Therefore, they are excellent landmarks when searching for worlds with possible lives.

Many red dwarfs, such as Proxima Centauri, are likely to irradiate planets with deadly UV and X-rays. But it turns out that Ross 128 is much calmer than they thought, so its planets are capable of becoming comfortable places for the development of life.

The star is 11 light-years distant from us and will end its existence in 79,000 years. As a result, Ross 128 b will become the nearest exoplanet. The world revolves around its star 20 times closer than the Earth-Sun distance. But it receives radiation just 1.38 times the size of our planet, and the temperature rises to -60 ° C to 20 ° C. Therefore, there is every chance of the presence of liquid water on the surface.

Now researchers are going to rely on the Extremely Large Telescope and study the chemical composition of the atmosphere.

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