What does the American government’s plan for contact with extraterrestrial beings look like

What does the American government’s plan for contact with extraterrestrial beings look like

Scientists continue to send signals to distant space, hoping one day to hear the answer. But imagine that the aliens really noticed us and arrived on Earth. What to do? Who will represent the Earth and how to communicate with alien guests? It turns out that the United States has long been a phased plan for this.

  1. Preliminary Studies

So, the guests have already landed on our planet and are looking around. It would be foolish to immediately stretch their hand. Yes, Hollywood films have taught that aliens are not as harmless as we want. Therefore, we start with underground observation. It is important to understand their intentions, their level of intelligence and, perhaps, their taste preferences (yeah, suddenly, people on earth are a tasty dish).

  1. Slow Convergence

What does the American government’s plan for contact with extraterrestrial beings look like

Preliminary collection and analysis of data will allow us to better understand the newcomers. Scientists propose to make several secret visits, but not to enter into physical contact or exchange of signals. That is, we play the role of secret agents. We will try to understand their culture and find weaknesses (just in case).

  1. Learning Technologies

Yes, we are all a bit paranoid, but it’s better to know what technologies and military forces we are facing. It is better to know in advance how they control the spacecraft, and what arsenal they brought with them. Psychologists might try to assess the level of hostility. It is especially important to understand how well-developed guests are: smarter or smarter than us.

  1. First remote contact

What does the American government’s plan for contact with extraterrestrial beings look like

If it seems that the aliens are very peaceful (perhaps they are alien scientists, not invaders), then you can make contact at a distance. Most likely, they will be the first to send radio signals and flashes to get our attention. Of course, our languages ​​will be different, but you need to somehow show your peaceful intentions and make sure that the guests do not pose a threat to humanity. The first signals will also give out alien targets (research or attack).

  1. Small abduction

Yes, the plan from 1950 advises at this stage to collect samples of alien soil, plants and kidnap one of the guests. Yeah, it sounds scary, but scientists insist on experimenting to sort out their nature and physiology. But the best option is to conduct tests with their consent or so that they do not suspect us of hostility. No deaths, but a couple of shots, blood samples, etc.

  1. Open your face

What does the American government’s plan for contact with extraterrestrial beings look like

As soon as we fully understand what kind of view is in front of us, and make sure in the benevolent attitude towards humanity, we can go to meet. We are talking about organizing a group that will appear to the aliens. However, no close contact. Let them watch people from afar. It is important to understand their reaction to our species. If they become hostile, they would have to reflect on a possible war with the aliens.

  1. Extending the hand

If the aliens show 100% goodwill, then you can meet face to face and finally officially greet. This will be an attempt to establish contact, exchange experience and useful information.


Ideally, the American government plans to do just that. But let's not forget that in reality things can not go according to plan. Alien guests are able to carry with them a dangerous virus for humanity, and even then, despite their possible peacefulness, radical measures will have to be taken. Or they will initially begin to attack us with deadly lasers.

And the point of abduction of the alien does not seem to be a benevolent act on our part. If we are caught in this, then we bid farewell to the chance for peaceful communication. There are too many nuances. Stephen Hawking advised us not to send signals to space, otherwise we would become a target for alien invaders. Therefore, the plan needs to be improved. But it is good that researchers at least think about it and consider different scenarios of actions.

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