Venus Twin rotates near dim star

Venus Twin rotates near dim star

Using the Kepler space telescope, scientists managed to find a planet much like Venus. The object was removed by 219 light years, slightly exceeds the Earth and rotates around a star with a low temperature - Kepler-1649 (1/5 of the solar diameter).

The planet is close, and spends 9 days on its orbital path. Because of such proximity, it receives 1.9 times more stellar flow than Earth. This finding will help to better understand the nature of M-dwarf stars. They are dimmer and redder than Suns, but recent studies show that it is near them that Earth-type exoplanets are located within the habitable zone. True, according to climatic conditions, they will not necessarily resemble ours. For example, there may be options with the conditions of Venus (its atmosphere and temperature).

Isabel Angelo from the SETI Institute says that planets like Kepler 1649b are important for understanding the boundaries of the inhabited zone of M-dwarfs. “There are factors that make these planets different from those of the earth. For example, the difference in tidal effects, as well as the variability of the star, ”she said.

Venus is often called the earthly sister. Although in many ways it is rather the opposite. Despite the similar size and proximity to the Sun (40% closer), its surface, temperature and atmosphere are radically different.

Eliza Quintana from the SETI Institute also believes that exploring unknown territory is very important.

“New telescopes will allow us to explore the atmosphere, focusing on analogues of Earth and Venus. Therefore, we will be able to understand why life on our planet is possible on one planet, and not on the other (although they are practically similar), ”she said.

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