What happens if the moon hits the earth

What happens if the moon hits the earth

One of the generally accepted theories says that the moon arose after the collision of the Earth with a massive space object. But what if the earth's satellite decides to re-close to the planet? Will the Earth survive after such a collision?

To begin with, this is not some kind of asteroid, but a whole satellite with an average radius of 1737 km. This is the first and only place outside the Earth, where people could step. Gravitational lunar attraction creates tides on the planet that could stimulate ocean life to land. In addition, the attraction allows you to prevent earth oscillations around the axis, which leaves the climatic situation relatively stable.

What happens if the moon hits the earth

If such an object crashes into our planet, then the Earth will have no chance to exist. But will the moon be able to carry out his cunning plan and come closer to us? Not! Even if the earth satellite somehow magically began to converge, it collapsed at the limit of Roche.

Yes, the Moon simply is not destined to touch our surface in its integral form. Stand for what is the limit of Roche? In celestial mechanics, this is the radius of the satellite’s circular orbital path around the planet, where tidal forces are equal to the satellite self-gravity forces. More specifically, the critical point of convergence for the moon will be 18,470 km, after which a BOOM happens! Tidal forces will simply tear the satellite apart. No craters, lunar seas, flags and rovers.

What happens if the moon hits the earth

What happens to the moon shards? After the destruction of the moon, our Earth will get a gorgeous ring. However, this formation will not last long and then difficulties will begin for earthlings. This whole pile of debris will begin to fall to Earth, resembling an asteroid attack. Cities will be destroyed, many people will die.

But problems will begin even at the time of the approach of the satellite. Reducing the distance will increase the tidal effect, where the waves will rise to 7600 m! Just imagine how large-scale tsunamis roam around the world at intervals of 10 times a day. These will be huge waves that will expose the ocean floor and destroy everything in its path.

With the approach of the moon, everything should speed up. The days will become shorter, the temperatures will decrease, so the risk of global warming will disappear. Those who survive the asteroid attack and the massive tsunami will live in a completely new world.

But do not have to worry, because the moon moves away by 4 cm every year. Therefore, instead of the ring, you will have to prepare for parting with the earth satellite.

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