Astronomical events on April 10, 2019. What to observe in the sky

Astronomical events on April 10, 2019. What to observe in the sky

On April 10, 2019, it will be possible to focus on observing the planets of the Solar System. A great bonus will be the discovery of Neptune, which is usually hidden from earthly eyes.

  1. Venus and Neptune

Astronomical events on April 10, 2019. What to observe in the sky

Venus is interesting because it is extremely easy to find in the sky. If we talk about brightness, then it is in third place for Earth observers after the Sun and the Moon. Therefore, in her search sometimes do without telescopes. But on April 10 one should pay attention to the second planet from the Sun, because it will indicate the location of Neptune.

Neptune is considered the most distant world in the solar system, which was discovered through mathematical calculations. However, this time we will use the help of Venus. April 10 at 09:05 there will be a convergence of the planets, where Venus (with an apparent magnitude of -3.9) is located just 17 angular minutes south of Neptune (+8.0). The pair will be close to spot objects in a telescope or strong enough binoculars. Look 32 degrees from the Sun, which at this time of the year is in the direction of the constellation Pisces.

  1. Retrograde Jupiter

Astronomical events on April 10, 2019. What to observe in the sky

Photograph of Jupiter taken by an astrophotographer

If all this time you have been watching the movement of Jupiter, then send a telescope in its direction on April 10 at 6:00 pm, because the planet will reverse its direction. That is, Jupiter will become retrograde (to the earthly observer it will seem that the planet has begun to move backwards).

Astrologers see Jupiter’s retrograde nature as a good sign, because the planet offers sudden profits, improved financial position, and problem solving. During retrograde Jupiter, it is advised not to make any significant changes in personal relationships, otherwise make a serious mistake.

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