Signals from space: alien messages or a phenomenon unknown to science?

Signals from space: alien messages or a phenomenon unknown to science?

Scientists Cannot Explain the Origin of the Super Powerful Fast Radio Signal Detected by the New Telescope

Earth scientists have recorded a rare and mysterious deep cosmic signal called the “fast radio burst”. The source is still a mystery. Some believe that they can come from exotic stars, black hole explosions, or even foreign civilizations. The new telescope, called the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME), produced an emission endowed with the lowest frequency of any recorded burst.

This means that the source that created the FRB 180725A signal must be incredibly powerful. Rapid radio bursts are extremely unusual and were first seen only in 2007. Since then, only two dozen such signals have been recorded. The new discovery will allow a better understanding of the nature of the FRB. Neutron stars, magnetars, pulsars and supernovae are also considered among possible sources. There is an assumption that this is a mechanism unknown to us, the nature of which remains beyond our understanding.

Signals from space: alien messages or a phenomenon unknown to science?

The telescope CHIME is endowed with U-shaped cylinders of metal mesh

Scientists are still unable to identify the process that causes short and sharp bursts of radio waves, which means that the aliens are still too early to delete from the list. These are bright events with short duration and great distance, so there is no certainty in any of the theories. It only remains to seek and verify assumptions.

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