Lenticular clouds resemble unidentified objects and frighten locals

Lenticular clouds resemble unidentified objects and frighten locals

At the mention of a UFO, we usually imagine a rounded flat UFO with aliens on board. Interest grows when something like this arises in the day or night sky. That's just worth remembering that on Earth there is an unusual phenomenon that resembles a UFO, but it is not. Or….?

We are talking about lenticular (lenticular) clouds. Despite its rarity, it is a natural phenomenon. Similar cloud formations occur on the crests of air waves or between two air layers. Endowed with an elongated shape, and sometimes look as if they consist of several clouds.

Lenticular clouds resemble unidentified objects and frighten locals

Don't these clouds look like a UFO?

It is surprising that even with high wind speed, these clouds freeze in place and do not move. The shape and strange behavior in the sky caused ufologists to be suspicious. Many of the UFO hunters believe that lenticular clouds are an excellent disguise for aliens who study the terrain and human representatives in populated areas during the daytime (not all the same to watch us at night). By the way, scientists often use lenticular clouds as explanations of many UFO sightings. So, on December 16, 1963, Clarence Johnson and test pilot Rudi Toren noticed a dark object in the sky that hung in the air and disappeared after a minute and a half. The next day, there were four more witnesses describing the same thing.

Lenticular clouds resemble unidentified objects and frighten locals

Representatives from the Wright Patterson Air Force Technical Intelligence Center conducted an investigation, but the findings were not made public. They only referred to the clouds, which did not satisfy the curiosity of the ufologists.

Clouds or UFO? Can aliens really use cloud formations that we are used to as masking? Ufologists say that yes, but scientists do not even consider this issue seriously.

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