Scientists have found a warm exoplanetary Saturn

Scientists have found a warm exoplanetary Saturn

Using information from the extended NASA Kepler K2 mission, scientists noticed a new exoplanet of the “warm Saturn” type. The world was called EPIC 247098361 b. By mass, it resembles Saturn, but it warms up more strongly.

A new exoplanet was first noticed during the company's period from March to May 2017, when the device recorded the light curve of the star EPIC 247098361. To confirm their planetary status, scientists conducted surveys in the telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile).

For further spectrographic analysis, Coralie, FEROS and HARPS spectrographs were used. EPIC 247098361 b is only 33% more massive than Saturn, and the temperature rises to 1030 K.

Scientists have found a warm exoplanetary Saturn

Above: Phase falsification of K2 (black dots) as a function of time during the transit period of EPIC 247098361 b. The model was created with derived parameters of the exonizer (blue line). Below: Relevant Balances Parental star belongs to the late F-type. It is 16% larger and 19% more massive than the Sun. The planet completes the orbital path in 11.2 days with a distance of 0.1 a. E. The researchers also found that the content of heavy elements in the planet reaches the level of 20 Earth masses.

Scientists plan to conduct further observations of the exoplanet to study its atmosphere. The system may be useful for analyzing the orbital evolution of giant planets with a moderate distance from the star.

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