Unidentified objects in Afghanistan. Witness testimony in a 1981 document

Unidentified objects in Afghanistan. Witness testimony in a 1981 document

Now Afghanistan is associated with hostilities, danger and terrorists. However, earlier there were many cases of strange lights appearing in the sky that could not be explained by human actions.

An interesting document seems to be that was created on February 4, 1981 by a certain representative of the American Embassy in Islambad, by the name of Archand. The document was called “Close contacts in Afghanistan”. It contains a separate topic devoted to UFOs, secret devices and technologies that were attributed to the USSR.

Archand wrote:

I have read many messages from travelers from Afghanistan and I can assure you that the USSR has a powerful and intense device that emits light. News about the light comes from September from journalists and local residents. All of them describe strange lights illuminating large areas. Among the observation sites indicate Ghazni (August 1980), Nuristan (September 1980) and Khost (January 1981) ”.

In the Department of State documentation you can read the following: “Witnesses describe the brightness of the lights, the distance of observation and the size of the illuminated areas (more than 5 km in diameter). They speak of beams with diffuse illumination ".

Archard has been monitoring the situation for a long time:

I was skeptical about the stories that mentioned UFOs until NBC producer Joe Decol returned from Paktia last month. He said that on January 1, together with the team, he saw the light when they were 19 km from Khost. It seemed to them that this glow was transported by helicopter, which made no noise. It is surprising that the light hovered in the sky without movement for 20 minutes. Since there was no noise from the engines, Dekola thinks that the light was transported in a balloon. ”

Dekola said that the light can be created by flashes of magnesium that were used in the American army. But he insisted that he did not see the movement, and the duration of the “stillness” was too long.

Unidentified objects in Afghanistan. Witness testimony in a 1981 document

Archard also mentioned an interesting incident that occurred in early February 1981. Information came from the Frenchman Dominic Vargas, who was located in the city of Asadabad. Vargas was a professional photographer with scientific and military background. He claimed that he saw a light that was colder and whiter than the light from a tungsten source. Illuminated territory covered 5-10 km in diameter, and the event itself lasted about 15 minutes. Vargas did not hear the noise, but believed that the source of light should have been somewhere on the surface.

Archard wrote in his conclusions:

“F The night light was noticed by diplomats and other officials a few months ago. This was even written in the press. But it is strange that no one seriously deals with this issue. No orders of observations ”.

What was that light? UFO, American weapons or secret Soviet technology? The archives are no longer preserved any documents about the "night light", and no one did any research.

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