An unexpected phenomenon in the confluence of galactic clusters

An unexpected phenomenon in the confluence of galactic clusters

Scientists are surprised to note the strange behavior of the galactic gas tail. In a new study, an international team focused on Abell 1033. This is a galactic cluster on the territory of the Little Leo. They are considered the largest ecumenical structures and are capable of containing hundreds of thousands of galaxies.

The researchers focused on the movement of one of the galaxies. On an astronomical scale, a gas trace is visible. It is logical to assume that over time it should disappear. But, to his surprise, scientists noted that he had become brighter in the center. It is strange, because the electrons emit energy, and after a long time interval they weaken. And before us a glowing tail after 100 million years. This phenomenon still has no clear explanation, since some of the energy must go to the renewal of electrons.

Studying galactic cluster mergers faces challenges, because telescopes must receive signals at low frequencies, and the process takes longer than human life. LOFAR radio telescope was used for the study. This is a new territory for the scientific world and the universe is again throwing up surprises.

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