Astronomical events on April 7, 2019

Astronomical events on April 7, 2019

If you love to admire the planets of the solar system, then in the first days of April you could afford to watch Uranus. This is the seventh world from the distance of the Sun, which appeared in the sky in the evening immediately after sunset.

You still have time to find the planet low above the horizon. Focus in the direction of the Aries constellation, as Uranus moves towards the constellation with the star of the solar system. The apparent magnitude is 5.8, so for observation it is better to use a telescope with the possibility of increasing from 80 times.

Astronomical events on April 7, 2019

This is what Uranus looks like in an amateur telescope. You can easily recognize the planet as a greenish tiny disk. It is better to get as far as possible from urban lighting. With an ideally dark sky (without artificial light and the Moon) it will turn out to find Uranus without using magnifying devices.

The distance between our planet and Uranus can increase from 20.79 to 20.82 a week. e. Have time to admire the planet until April 7, 2019, because on that day its evening visibility ceases. Uranus will be hidden from observers until the end of April and the entire first half of May. Clear visibility will only open in the last days of May.

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