The solar core is ahead of the surface in speed

The solar core is ahead of the surface in speed

A new study states that solar rotation is 4 times faster than the surface. Most likely, the main rotation mechanism remains from the time of star formation (4.6 billion years ago).

Solar rotation can provide a lot of information about exactly how the star was formed. It is believed that after the appearance of the solar wind influenced the speed mechanism and slowed down the outer part. Rotation can affect sunspots, which in size can reach terrestrial parameters. Scientists examined acoustic waves in the atmosphere, some of which make their way into the solar core, where they come into contact with gravitational waves. With their measurement, we managed to find out the exact time during which the acoustic wave gets to the center and back.

Scientists have found the indicators of the movement of the slide and compared with the data collected over 16 years of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. The idea that the surface and the core rotate with different accelerations, appeared 20 years ago. The core temperature is 15.7 million K, and the surface is 5800 K.

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