Found three new millisecond pulsars in the cluster of Terzan 5

Found three new millisecond pulsars in the cluster of Terzan 5

An international team of scientists found 3 new millisecond pulsars (MSP) in a cluster of the Terzan 5 globular type, located in our galaxy. This discovery increases the number of pulsars detected in the cluster to 37 and makes it the most effective place to create an MSP.

Millisecond pulsars are fast spinning - hundreds of times per second. Scientists when searching have to focus on globular clusters, since their territories contain ideal conditions for creating a huge variety of astronomical objects.

Found three new millisecond pulsars in the cluster of Terzan 5

Above: averaged profiles from the best detectors Ter5aj (left), Ter5ak (middle) and Ter5al (right). Bottom: signal intensity (grayscale) depending on the phase and rotation time for each MS

Up to this point, 146 MSPs were found in 28 globular clusters. However, it is believed that we still have to find a large population of several thousand such objects. Now the list has been replenished with a find from Terzan 5. This cluster lives in the bulge of the Milky Way and is a shaded type. However, some believe that it may be a remnant of the building block of galactic bulge. Scientists analyzed the archival information from the 100-meter radio-telescope Green-Bank, obtained in 2010-2015. As a result, we received signals from three unknown MSPs in the inner regions: J1748-2446aj, J1748-2446ak and J1748-2446al.

New millisecond pulsars are considered isolated with rotation periods of 2.96, 1.89 and 5.95 milliseconds. Now J1748-2446ak is in fourth position in velocity in the cluster and in the fifth among all known pulsars in globular clusters.

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