The first green shoots appeared on the moon!

The first green shoots appeared on the moon!

On January 15, scientists said that the first tiny green shoots were growing on the moon field. The sprout made its way out from under the trellised structure inside the container since landing Chang'e-4 at the beginning of this month. This is the first time that people conduct biological growth experiments on the surface of the moon.

The Chang'e-4 probe (named after the Chinese goddess of the Moon) performed the world's first soft landing on the dark side of an earth satellite on January 3, which was a significant step in China’s desire to become a space superpower. Scientists have developed an experiment “mini-lunar biosphere” and placed an 18-centimeter container with air, water and soil inside the device.

The first green shoots appeared on the moon!

The sprout appeared in a container delivered to the moon by the Chinese landing gear Chang'e-4

Inside are the seeds of cotton, potato, and rezuhovidki Tal, as well as the eggs of a fruit fly. The obtained photos show how the sprout of cotton has grown, but other plants are not yet visible. On Chang'e-4 there are also other tools created to study the internal structure of the Moon, the environment and cosmic radiation.

The lander released the Yutu-2 rover, which is engaged in research inside the crater Karman. In China, they plan to send 4 more missions, and also to get samples from the dark side of the Moon at the end of this year. In the end, everything can end with the creation of a research lunar base.

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