Ilon Musk plans to build a Martian base in a decade.

Ilon Musk plans to build a Martian base in a decade.

Ilon Mask claims that he will create a base on Mars by 2028 and show off what an outpost looks like. Now SpaceX is developing the Big Falcon Rocket spacecraft, which should provide the Japanese billionaire with a tourist flight around the moon. But this giant spaceship is also used to travel to Mars.

In early 2018, Musk insisted that the planned Martian colony would not become a refuge for the rich. Of course, he hinted that people with large amounts in the bank account can go to the Red Planet, but they will not be satisfied with the luxury resort. Mask is not sure that they will even want to visit Mars, because they will have to live in the most basic infrastructure.

Ilon Musk plans to build a Martian base in a decade.

Moving to Mars will not be fun for the rich

Ilon Musk plans to build a Martian base in a decade.

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This will be the basis for the creation of a propellant, a power plant, as well as domes that grow crops. Musk says you should not expect pubs at every corner, favorite bakeries and salons. We'll have to start from scratch.

Interestingly, Musk even thinks about the development of a Martian society with a fair form of government - direct democracy, where everyone votes on each issue. Mask hopes to send the ship next year and build a colony to eliminate the possibility of extinction of humanity as a species. He also did not forget to mention once again the danger of developing artificial intelligence, noting that he is more terrible than nuclear weapons.

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