Pink Moon? More like a mini-moon

Pink Moon? More like a mini-moon

Astronomers who set off on an expedition tonight are hoping to see the legendary "pink" April Moon. But, unfortunately, if we consider it through the tinted glasses of the telescope, the effect will not be noticeable so much. In other words, the Moon will be an ordinary Moon, besides, much smaller in size.

Pink Moon is the special name of the Moon in April, because it is at this time that it acquires such a shade, very similar to the crushed flower Phlox. The phenomenon was first recorded by NASA astronaut, Soichi Noguchi, who photographed the moon back in 2010 in April. Also, the Moon has other names, like Luna Egg, Fish Moon, and so on.

Usually at this time the object appears smaller in size due to the "equalization" of the Sun and the Earth in one line. Therefore, it was called the "mini-moon" or "micro-moon." This happens because it is far away from our planet, but as early as November, the Moon will become full and will approach the Earth by 30,000 miles. This phenomenon is also known as the "super moon".

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