Curiosity Rover trains new brain

Curiosity Rover trains new brain

The image of October 13, 2018 shows a portion of the Martian rover Curiosity

The Martian Curiosity machine is gradually loading the new brain with tasks while the members of the mission team are trying to fix the memory problem in the old unit. Like many NASA spacecraft, the Curiosity rover was launched with two computers that call A-side and B-side (A and B sides). A-side functioned when the rover landed on the planet in August 2012, but after 200 days there was a serious failure. Because of this, I had to go to the B-side.

Until the middle of last month, Curiosity performed its job perfectly, until the team members noticed that the rover was faced with the problem of storing the collected scientific data and some technical information. After 2 weeks, Curiosity switched to the A-side, which in previous years, “idle” had time to fix. In the near future they plan to hold another “brain exchange”, if everything goes as it should. Engineers intend to return to B-side to use more memory. For more than 6 years, Curiosity has been studying Mars’s ability to take a microbiological life in the past. Rover collects data to better understand climate change when the planet has moved from a warm environment to a dry and frosty desert.

The six-wheeled vehicle revealed evidence of a long-lived and potentially habitable system of lakes and streams at the bottom of the Gail crater. Since September 2014, the device has been studying the foothills of the Eolida mountain (5.5 km altitude), rising from the center of the crater.

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