RCS2 J2327 is more massive than allowed?

RCS2 J2327 is more massive than allowed?

HAWK-I and Hubble study a cluster whose massiveness reaches two quadrillion solar.

Researchers from the Angelander Institute of Astronomy displayed a mass distribution in the remote galactic cluster RCS2 J2327. It is located on the territory of Pisces and is 6.4 billion light-years distant from us. The analysis shows that the cluster contains 85% of the invisible dark matter.

In the center of the picture you can see a lot of orange galaxies acting as members of the cluster. In addition, several long arcs are seen — background galaxies distorted by gravitational lensing. Comparison of image distortions in different parts of the cluster has made it possible to restore the distribution of invisible dark matter.

RCS2 J2327 is more massive than allowed?

Galactic Cluster RCS2 J2327

The color frame combines reviews from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Very Large Telescope. This combination helped to make an accurate analysis of a weak gravitational lens and a mass estimation of the cluster.

It turned out that the mass of the cluster was close to 2 quadrillion solar. Fortunately, for standard cosmology, this information fits into the model. Otherwise, I would have to look for alternative explanations.

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