Satellite Tethys "hung" on the ring of Saturn

Satellite Tethys

In a stunning photograph taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, one of Saturn’s moons was captured, which seemed to weigh on a gas giant’s ring like a drop of water.

Tethys ice companion, approximately 660 miles wide, consists of the same material as the ring located behind it. Cassini took this photo on July 14, at a distance of 1, 1 million km from the satellite. In the foreground, as seen in this photograph of Cassini, two of the rings of Saturn - A and F overlap Tethys. Saturn's outer F-ring is separated from the A-ring by a gap of 1900 miles wide and known as the Roche Division. Located inside the A-ring, a thin separation is known as the Keeler Slot. She keeps a tiny satellite Daphnis, hidden behind the scenes. Cassini orbits Saturn for more than 10 years now, expanding our horizons about the gas giant, its rings and its vast family of satellites. Unfortunately, the spacecraft runs out of fuel, and scientists begin to plan the last mission of the device.

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