Atmosphere of the water worlds

Atmosphere of the water worlds

At present, scientists are aware of the existence of about fifty known exoplanets with diameters between Mars and Earth, which live in the territory of the habitat zone. The water world is called the planet, whose surfaces are covered with a deep ocean (up to hundreds of meters).

The researchers also note that Venus and the Earth could initially be the water worlds of our system. The main factor for the suitability of the planet to life is the presence of a dense atmosphere. Ocean structures play the role of reservoirs for water vapor, so scientists are trying to calculate how stable the oceans and atmosphere in the exoplanet are, especially for the evaporation process by stellar winds. Most of the 50 planets found are located close to small stars, so their surfaces are constantly under attack, although the temperature indicator can be satisfactory.

To examine the situation in more detail, the scientists created a model where they included effects from magnetic fields, coronal mass ejections and ionization. It turned out that it strongly resembles the Earth-Sun situation. However, forecasts show that even with the rotation of the water world near the M-dwarf there is a risk of losing the atmospheric layer in a billion years. This is a short time and life will not have time to develop.

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