Star system with three super-lands

Star system with three super-lands

Artistic vision of the exoplanetary system around the HD7924 star, which has two super-earths (c and d). Scientists have found a star with three super-Earths, the main candidates for atmospheric research.

Today, scientists have been able to confirm the existence of 3,500 exoplanets. Most of them are found using the transit method. Researchers can combine transit light curves with oscillation velocity data, which allows us to determine the mass and radius of the planet, as well as the internal structure. It is also possible to study the atmosphere, because the level of opacity varies with wavelength. Recently, we managed to find three small transit planets around the star GJ9827, which is 100 light-years distant from us. The radii of the worlds reach 1.6, 1.3 and 2.1 terrestrial. All belong to the type of super damel, that is, their massiveness is more terrestrial, but inferior to Neptune.

GJ9827 is one of the few known stars that has many transit exoplanets suitable for atmospheric analysis. In fact, these three worlds are of particular interest, because the radius indicates the composition between the stone and the gas. They spend 1.2, 3.6 and 6.2 days on the orbital overflight, and temperatures - 1172 K, 811 K and 680 K. Future reviews will provide a more detailed picture of their atmospheres.

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