Supermassive black holes can feast on a star per year

Supermassive black holes can feast on a star per year

Scientists have discovered a mechanism that explains the preservation of asymmetric star clusters surrounding supermassive black holes in some galaxies. There is an assumption that during the period of post-galactic fusion moments, orbital stars can fall into a black hole and collapse at a rate of one per year.

The new study is capable of unraveling a long-standing astronomical mystery about eccentric stellar orbits near supermassive black holes. You can also understand why the seemingly unstable dynamics persist in the long term.

The gravity of a supermassive black hole forms around it a nuclear star cluster, whose gravitational physics can be called spherically symmetric. However, in some galaxies, along with the neighboring Andromeda, asymmetric star clusters are visible, taking the form of a disk. Inside the disk, stars march in elliptical orbits, revolving around a supermassive black hole. Star paths almost overlap and often contact. As a result, gravitational disruptions in a single stellar orbit will bring it closer to the hole.

Scientists believe that at the time of the post-galactic merger, a supermassive black hole will eat a star a year. This is 10,000 times more likely than other speed predictions. This conclusion is confirmed by the findings. Some galaxies with supermassive black holes in their centers have higher rates of stellar mortality. It is also noticeable that eccentric nuclear discs are more common than originally expected.

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