The coming revolution or development prospects of robotics

The coming revolution or development prospects of robotics

Considering today's speed of technical progress, it is rather difficult to imagine what functionality robots will have in the future. The last decade has shown how versatile and multi-functional a once primitive technique can be. Forecasts, of course, are a thankless task - too many factors must be taken into account for their preparation - but it is already clear in which industries robots will be most in demand.

Development History

The first drawing of a man like this was made in the 15th century by Leonardo da Vinci. In a unique drawing, a mechanical warrior was drawn in detail, which had to be able to move, to sit. Unfortunately, no samples of this robot, as well as data on whether the creator tried to construct it, no.

The modern stage of development of robots began 5 centuries later - in 1956. George Diro and Joseph Engilberger created the Ultimate aggregate, which was impressive in size and resembled a human hand.

The main prospects for the development of robotics are concentrated in the following areas:

  • military affairs;
  • industrial designs;
  • medicine;
  • home options.

One of the most profitable, and therefore promising, always remains the military sphere. Millions of dollars are spent on the development of military robots. Their goal is not only to raise the quality level of technical means of warfare, but also to preserve human life, no matter how paradoxical it sounds.

Engineers create robotized military complexes, drones, robo-intelligence officers, sappers, drones equipped with weapons - all in order not to endanger personnel and send vehicles to the hottest points instead of people.

Industrial robots are already able to compete with many factory workers, by the way, the bill is not in favor of humans. Universal robots accurately perform the monotonous work of assembling, welding and loading thousands of goods.

Another advantage for the development of robotics - reducing its cost. If a few decades ago, one robot was worth as a small factory, now the purchase is quite affordable, and the expenses pay off in just a year of use. Whole concerns reduce human staff and establish robots, making the production process fully automatic. Many factories have already adopted this experience, but the industry still remains interesting for engineers who create robotics. Medical robots are not the future, but a reality that has already arrived. Nevertheless, the prospects for the development of robotics in this direction cannot be considered exhausted. Each year, the number of medical robots increases by about 20%, and in just a few years new robots will be able to perform complex surgical operations.

A special role is played by technologies capable of bringing a person back to a full life - prostheses and exoskeletons.

The technical revolution will literally come to every home. Household robots will cope with the daily tasks of cleaning the house, cooking and teaching children.

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