Results in astronomy for 2018

Results in astronomy for 2018

2018 has become a breakthrough year for astronomy. By completing key missions and deciphering new data, important cosmological indicators, such as the Hubble constant, as well as penetrate deeper into the early Universe due to the study of relic radiation, were clarified. Sergey Borisovich Popov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Leading Researcher of the State Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University tells about the details, the significance of the discoveries and future space research.

The year 2019 promises to be eventful, as scientists are preparing to receive a new batch of data from the TESS spacecraft. In addition, commercial space companies will send astronauts to the ISS from US territory in the summer, which will increase the number of launches. All this leads us to the fact that already in the near future, the first colonies will appear on the Moon and Mars. There are still many mysteries in space, but every year we are getting closer to solving them.

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