Extreme Black Hole Emissions in V404 Cygni

Extreme Black Hole Emissions in V404 Cygni

The X-ray binary black hole is a black hole adjacent to an ordinary star. When matter from the second enters the hole, it throws jets of charged particles at relativistic speeds and generates X-rays. The most famous such objects live in our galaxy.

Extreme Black Hole Emissions in V404 Cygni

V404 Swan is a double star system where the solar star performs revolutions around the black hole. X-rays form when the gravity of a black hole pulls material out of a neighbor. The picture shows bright rings - X-ray echo created by dust.

Sometimes such black holes flash and can glow for weeks, which allows not only to track the event, but also to study it in detail. There are two varieties. At low mass accretion rates, the magnetic fields bend the jet, causing it to create rays. At high, discrete emissions are activated, which forms more complex emission characteristics (a rare type with quasiperiodic oscillations). In 2015, it was a rare species that was noticed in the V404 Cygni system. For 4 hours, scientists tracked activity, noting rapidly changing outbreaks. The new model has estimated the speed, structural characteristics, geometry and energy of the jets.

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