Martian strategy from Ilona Mask

Martian strategy from Ilona Mask

Founder of SpaceX said that he plans to reduce the interplanetary transport system in order to fulfill the main tasks of achieving Mars

September 29, Ilon Musk announced his ambitious plans to transport people to Mars in 5 years and transport between major Earth cities in half an hour. He said that the BFR interplanetary system would have to be reduced in order to allocate funds to reach the Red Planet.

He focused on the budget and the need to find money for the development of the idea of ​​sending people to Mars. His company has already begun to build the system, and they will take the first ship in 6-9 months. Musk believes that the first two ships will land on the Martian surface in 2022. It is only important to find a stable source of water to create fuel. Missiles will deliver the necessary infrastructure for future missions, and in 2024 they will send 4 ships with people.

Musk is also configured to use rockets for transportation on Earth. This would shorten the road between two huge cities to half an hour (30 minutes from Tokyo to Delhi, 27 minutes from Bangkok to Dubai).

At the International Astronomical Congress, an agreement was also signed between Russia and the United States on the joint creation of the first lunar station.

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