China increases the crew at the expense of civilian astronauts

China increases the crew at the expense of civilian astronauts

In the photo on October 31, 2003, schoolchildren greet the first Chinese cosmonaut Yan Livaya. The event took place in central Hong Kong at an official reception during the 5-day visit. China reports that it plans to begin recruiting civilian astronauts into the military space program in order to increase the number of crews launched to two per year. Among the new specialists will be engineers, technologists and pilots

China plans to begin attracting civilian astronauts to the military space program in order to increase the number of crew missions to two per year. The third party will include recruits from industry, research institutes and universities. With their help, it will be possible to create an independent Chinese space station. Among the new astronauts will be representatives of process engineers, payload specialists and pilots. In the 1990s. China selected 14 astronauts, and in 2010 - 7, including two women. In six missions sent 11 people.

This year they plan to launch a 20-ton permanent station main module. In 2022, a new high-grade design should last at least several decades. China was excluded from cooperation with the 420-tonne ISS due to US law.

Because of this, the Chinese intend to develop an independent space industry. In 2020, it is planned to land a rover on Mars, and get samples. Also, the country is going to become a pioneer in a soft landing on the far side of the moon.

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