Will NASA find alien life? Perhaps if you stock up on large telescopes

Will NASA find alien life? Perhaps if you stock up on large telescopes

Experts say that the NASA process of detecting alien life forms is able to succeed if you create larger and more powerful space telescopes. Exoplanetary Intelligence Agency scans the universe in search of habitable planets. To this end, NASA uses a network of orbiting space telescopes, among which Kepler is listed. Soon he will retire, making way for the more advanced James Webb.

To date, Kepler has managed to confirm more than 2,300 exoplanets and found 2,244 candidates. However, some space experts are convinced that we do not see life due to the lack of more powerful technology. A report published on September 5 points out the need for NASA to focus on creating advanced technology that will be ahead of all that scientists have today.

The report literally calls on NASA to direct all available forces to develop a space telescope that will be able to directly see other worlds. Jesse Christiansen from the Exoplanet Research Institute said it would take a lot of effort, but the result would pay off.

Will NASA find alien life? Perhaps if you stock up on large telescopes

The Hubble Space Telescope - NASA's Most Famous Device She also added that there is concern about the serious costs of creating technology. But Christiansen is well aware of all the risks, although he was surprised that the report did not consider promising and relatively inexpensive CubeSats satellites. Dr. Scott Gaudi added that costs are achievable for the agency and do not go beyond the possibilities. But if you are unlucky, it may take decades to search for signs of life.

It is important to note that projects are already being developed to search for foreign worlds, which are planning to launch in the 2030s or 2040s. Now the hunt process is to search for exoplanets, where the building blocks of life are present. Such worlds must live at the correct distance from the host star, have a certain atmospheric composition and liquid water. Although NASA is open to the idea that life can live in different conditions.

Will NASA find alien life? Perhaps if you stock up on large telescopes

The James Webb Space Telescope is the next major instrument

Astronomer Sarah Seager has proposed various atmospheric compositions of gases that are not observed on Earth, but can provide otgadku to someone else's life. Thus, the number of potentially suitable planets increases.

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