Dutch scientists celebrate the arrival of a rare meteorite

Dutch scientists celebrate the arrival of a rare meteorite

On Monday, Dutch scientists noted the discovery of a sixth meteorite found on the territory of the Netherlands. Its peculiarity is that it reaches 4.5 billion years old, which means that it can tell a lot about the history of the origin of the solar system.

Meteorites are special space stones, since material of a similar age cannot be found on our planet. In size reaches a fist and weighs 500 grams. He landed in the city of Brook (Waterland) on the barn of a local resident in January of this year. He was found the next morning, but no other wreckage was noticed. Meteor showers land here every four years, but it is difficult to detect large samples. This is evidenced by the fact that this is just the sixth find in the last two centuries.

Age is important, as it is able to clarify what exactly happened at the time of the collapse of the star cloud, from which our system emerged. Most likely, he arrived from the area between Mars and Jupiter (asteroid belt). The discovery was announced only on Monday after a thorough analysis, because they wanted to be confident in their preliminary conclusions.

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